Wednesday, October 15, 2014

My Doctor says... "All I need is LOVE...."

From a fellow Blogger

I had my first session with a psychiatrist yesterday, and it was worth it. 
18 months after suddenly losing my son......

Here is a summary of what we discussed:

  • when a mother loses a child there is a biological need to scoop that mother up and nurture her for a prolonged period of time. I haven't had that from anybody. Instead I went back to work 3 days after the funeral due to financial commitments, then quickly moved house and lost my father. This has resulted in an inability to grieve properly....i.e distorted bereavement.
  • all I need is LOVE....
  • I have 'adapted' to my situation in a way that has made me somehow function. This is the 'strength' that people refer to. It is the difference between me functioning and me dissolving. It is a good thing and has stopped me from plunging into depression, but it has taken every ounce of energy out of me. 
  • I need to carry a token of Will around with me.....a symbol of the fact that whilst I don't believe I will see him again, I do know I carry him (in the form of one of his guitar picks) with me in my heart forever more.
  • I need structured time off with the task of filling that time with things that I enjoy, not just wallowing. I need to laugh and feel loved.
  • At work I need to be prepared for challenging patients, for they are ever present.
  • I need to continue therapy - it creates that 'supportive space' that I have lacked. 

So here's to a slower recovery pace, with the love of my friends, and the help of others. 


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