Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Children Who Grieve Need Your Support!

As a child we have all been there. The death of our pet hamster, goldfish or family cat / dog. But what happens to a child when a parent, grandparent, sibling or school friend dies? 

How do children cope with grief? How can we support them?

1. Living with the pain of loss
Unlike the pets we have lost as children, the first time a person dies who is close and whom they loved can create in them a sense of  profound abandonment. Nightmares, bed wetting, uncontrollable sadness, behaviour changes or fear of their own death are all possible reactions to a death. Children live mostly in the present and do not understand that given time, their feelings of today will subside. In addition, they may feel responsible in some way for the death of their loved one and carry that guilt for years or withdraw into themselves fearing "doing it again".. 
They Need Reassurance
Don't underestimate the impact a loss has on a child even if they do not respond as expected. Reassure the child that their basic needs will be met and that over time their pain will decrease. Keep routines and standards of behaviour as much as possible, as this will enforce that while their loved one died, they will go on as before.
2. Children are unique in expressing their grief  
Few children have the ability to name or express their feelings. Since children haven't developed buffers to pain as adults often have, the feelings they experience may be overwhelming for them. As a result children often express their grief through their behaviour such as separation anxiety, crying, withdrawal, bed-wetting, disinterest in food, or disruptive behaviour at school.
They Need the opportunity to express their grief in their own way

Help children share their grief though drawing, storytelling, or music; making memory boxes with photos or trinkets of good times.Help them write poetry or letters to the person who has died. This becomes a bridge to their expression of feelings that are difficult to speak or understand. Have them send out a helium balloon with a message written on it to their loved one.

 Don't analyse the child's work; rather allow them to tell you about it. Encourage discussion with open ended questions. "What a wonderful drawing, can you tell me about it?"  "If you could change one thing in your painting, what would it be?" 
3. Grief knows no timeline
Psychological healing time is different to chronological healing time. Children will often break their feelings up into manageable amounts, as it's difficult for them to tolerate ongoing, intense pain. Therefore, it is not unusual to see a variety of emotions unfold in a short span of time as they slowly work through their grief. From sad to happy or lonely to playing with others.

Always be Honest
Children will ask questions over and over again to make sense of what has happened. Let the child know that you want to understand what they are feeling and any question is a good one. Stay honest in your reply using age appropriate wording.
Be patient and don't be afraid to ask them what they are thinking or feeling. When they feel heard and accepted, they will go deeper into sharing their deepest thoughts / fears / feelings.

4. The age of the child will filter their understanding of death

Children are often unable to understand the permanence of death or separation and can anticipate the return of their loved one who has gone. Only as they grow older, will they learn to grasp the finality and permanency of death.

Provide answers to their questions that are age appropriate

Help the child understand that the person who has died is not coming back, but also reassure them that their loved one is not in any pain. Children hear words and create pictures literally, i.e. (The Iron Curtain)  could be seen as a curtain of steel around a country.  Avoid metaphors such as "gone to sleep" or they may fear sleeping. "Lost" as this may cause them to believe their loved one can be found. "At peace now" may have the child think they weren't at peace because of the child's behaviour.


5. Role models

It is important that those around them (you) are able to express their grief in a healthy, open manner. Children learn from example and how you grieve gives them permission to be open and honest about their feelings of loss, love and missing their loved one.
Provide by example the model for  healthy grieving
Sadness is as natural an expression as happiness. Children will understand that it's okay for them to do the same as you. You cannot "fix" children's pain, any more than avoidance or distraction can fix yours. If possible, encourage children to be with other children who may have had a similar experience. Peer support is a major means in helping Children cope with loss.  

If in doubt seek out local resources that specialize in Child Bereavement. 

Please post your story here so others who are grieving with children might gain strength from your experience......

Bill Robson C.A.E., ATM gained his experience in grief as a
  • Grief Counselor
  • Distress Telephone Centre Trainer  
  • Hospice Volunteer
  • Group Facilitator, Bereavement
  • Youth & Family Counseling  
There are resources in many communities, call your local volunteer bureau for a list of organizations that can assist you.

Monday, September 8, 2014

A Letter VIDEO from Mom and Dad

 A Letter VIDEO from Mom and Dad

When we become like children again..... We need your Help!


When mom & dad become like children again..... Help!

The only difference between old and you is years.
If we are lucky, we grow old and tell our stories
of days gone by..... As a young person your gift to older people is to become an excellent listener of these stories! In years to come you will treasure them and be sharing stories of your own!

Share your story on caring for a loved one....

Bill Robson C.A.E., ATM gained his experience in grief as a
  • Grief Counselor
  • Distress Telephone Centre Trainer  
  • Hospice Volunteer
  • Group Facilitator, Bereavement
  • Youth & Family Counseling  
There are resources in most communities, you can also seek out your local volunteer bureau for a list of organizations that can assist you.

Butterflies soar, powered by love and loss.....

Such a learning day yesterday.... (September 7th 2014)

Wonderful people remembering their special someone(s)!

Everyone remembers their loved one in their own special way.

When a butterfly is seen it is a belief of many that their loved one is thinking about them and saying "Hi! I am O.K.". 

Tell me about your way of celebrating or remembering.... (Balloons; Annual celebration of life; keeping a place setting at home; a shelf of memories etc.) Please post it here so others who are grieving might gain strength from your experience......


There are resources in many communities, call your local volunteer bureau for a list of organizations that can assist you.

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Success Stories can be Beautiful!

A beautiful story..... a just reward!

There are so many moving stories of young people going through the fight of their lives and somehow through the power of love, hope, healing and medicine they make it through to the other side.  This is the story of Chloe and I don’t think you’ll have too many words after you hear it.  You may cry a lot of tears of joy however.
This is truly moving stuff…



Thursday, September 4, 2014

Why Suicide?

Why Suicide?

We need to start talking about suicide and terminal illness..... the life of someone you know may depend on it. If not today maybe in the future. Best prevention is education. Know the signs, know the resources available to you and know you are not alone.

Do you know someone who is having thoughts of suicide? Talking about it can provide tremendous relief.
In fact, being a listener is the best intervention anyone can give.
“It’s not easy to talk about suicide; it can be very uncomfortable,” says Mary-Jo Bolton, assistant director at CASP. “But it’s an important conversation to have.”
Many people believe talking about suicide may cause suicide – this could not be further from the truth. When experience intense emotions, people struggle to problem solve. It is not your job to fix someone else’s problems. Instead, listen, care, validate and be nonjudgmental.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Alzheimer's Request & Bereavement

The above was taped to the door of a person with Alzheimer's.

As I shared time with people of all ages and conditions I have found a commonality in their thinking ....... Fear, Anger, Love, Happiness, Giving, Lonesomeness and Guilt are a few of the ingredients that transform us from the person we were to the one we are becoming.

There are times when our mind cannot separate one form of reality from another and allow one or more of these conditions to increase in strength causing confusion and worry.

The same can be said for people grieving. Reading the above once more try to see how it might apply to a person who is grieving.

Bill Robson C.A.E., ATM gained his experience in grief as a
  • Grief Counselor
  • Distress Telephone Centre Trainer  
  • Hospice Volunteer
  • Group Facilitator, Bereavement
  • Youth & Family Counseling
There are resources in most communities, send me a quick note and I will do some homework, sending you information. You can also seek out your local volunteer bureau for a list of organizations.

The hardest step in regaining the sense of control is to ask for assistance. 
This is not a weakness, it is a strength.

Who I was is gone.... WHO AM I NOW?

(Parents rarely let go of their children, so children let go of them. They grow up and move on. Move away and start their family. The life their parents knew was defined with children at home. Now empty nesters  the parents create a new role as parents and a couple; a new definition of who they are. A different role that is a mixture of sadness for what is no more and questions about what is to be.)  

“The grief process is not only about mourning the loss, but getting to know yourself as a different person”.

The same redefinition of who am I now?” occurs in grief.

“You lose yourself, your identity, meaning, purpose, values, your trust”.
  • After years of devoting all your spare time as a care-giver to a loved one, “now what do I do,who am I now? ”
  • As a parent, “now who am I?” What do I say when people ask “Do you have any children?”
  • A life long friend dies and you feel lost, not knowing anyone you trust as much to share your deepest secrets with.
  • If a brother / sister dies, you ask; “Am I still a brother / sister?”
  • When a grandparent dies you might feel your family history goes with them. Children's first experience with human death is often when this happens.

There is a need to redefine who you are.
Not for others, but for yourself.

A new definition of WHO AM I NOW?”

Here are five suggestions on how to try and redefine who you might become.... (the essence of you).

NO NEED TO RUSH: First you need to give yourself time to grieve. Seek out local Grief Groups or Community Grief Counselling. You will know when you are ready to give consideration to these suggestions. 

Have you ever wanted to try a hobby but never had the time? (Scrap-booking, painting, singing, story teller, photography) Find a friend with a similar interest and join a group together.

VOLUNTEERING is an excellent way to meet new people. Cook for people who live alone; be a hospital friendly visitor; join a community committee planing special events.... give back and feel good for having assisted others in some way.

Sign up for a general interest course or to get a certificate or degree.

TRAVEL is an option as well. Visit family who live far away from you. Friends you have not seen for a long time.

Join a church or if you already belong, see which groups meet, when and what they do.

There are resources in most communities, a quick note to myself and I will do some homework, sending you the information. You can also seek out your local volunteer bureau for a list of organizations.

The hardest step in regaining the sense of control is to ask for assistance. 
This is not a weakness, it is a strength.