Thursday, September 4, 2014

Why Suicide?

Why Suicide?

We need to start talking about suicide and terminal illness..... the life of someone you know may depend on it. If not today maybe in the future. Best prevention is education. Know the signs, know the resources available to you and know you are not alone.

Do you know someone who is having thoughts of suicide? Talking about it can provide tremendous relief.
In fact, being a listener is the best intervention anyone can give.
“It’s not easy to talk about suicide; it can be very uncomfortable,” says Mary-Jo Bolton, assistant director at CASP. “But it’s an important conversation to have.”
Many people believe talking about suicide may cause suicide – this could not be further from the truth. When experience intense emotions, people struggle to problem solve. It is not your job to fix someone else’s problems. Instead, listen, care, validate and be nonjudgmental.

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