"Brain Tumour"
What words of wisdom would you offer to a newly diagnosed person or their family?
I was diagnosed in March. There are two things I would say! First, No matter what anyone tells you they don't know the "you factor"! Your determination and your drive to beat this cancer! Second, you have to be an active participant in your own life!
My husband (was diagnosed in July 2009) and we kept telling each other to stay strong, stay positive and lean on each other and we will make it through. We did. As his caregiver I had to be good to myself as well. Eat right, sleep enough, find a friend to talk with about my worry, pain, sadness and anger.
My husband was diagnosed in February 2014. It's still pretty new but I would say to stay off the generic pages of the Internet; stay positive and ask for help when you need it!!
This is your opportunity to honestly show yourself and everyone around you how strong you are! I was diagnosed with a serious brain tumor October 5 and had surgery October 7. I have 4 kids and all of my thoughts were I needed to stay strong and survive this for them! I am have been referred by my doctors as "one in a million" so I am proud to say miracles really do happen!! I am thankful for each and every day I have! Cherish the time you have with the ones who matter most! Hugs to everyone.
Every person is different in how they handle this monster. Most times I just don't know what to say but it would start with, "just be honest" in your thoughts with yourself and others. Don't sugarcoat or say false things. It really does suck big time and my heart goes out to each and every person.
I know how hard it is in the initial stage when you find out and all is a blur... best I can suggest is to find a person to be a shoulder to cry on and an ear to vent to. The main things I would say is that there are people who will be there for you, and maybe some who you thought would be, but are not....”
Take lots of pictures even when you don't feel like it. You and your family are your best advocate. There are resources / use them. Most of all find a brain tumour support group and you will find hope and friends to last a lifetime. Of course Play to Win!
My daughter just completed her chemo treatments in May 2014. I would like other newly diagnosed families to know that it’s okay to be sad and mad sometimes. You don't need to pretend everything is okay. But take all the help you are offered; and take it each day one at a time. Focus on the positives, the love from family and friends. For me, leaning on my faith, when things seemed darkest was a God send.
Do not be afraid to ask for help. The people that love and support you will be glad to help in any way they can. Be patient. Time will heel things eventually. Your hair will grow back. Your scars will heel. Your scars will eventually not be so sensitive and tender. You will become stronger, you will heal!
Parent of a child with a pediatric brain tumour
For additional resources call your local Cancer Centre and/or ask your Doctors advice.
Bill R
Words of Wisdom are direct quotes from patients, survivors and family members and are offered as insight into others' experiences with a brain tumour only. They are not meant as advice, always consult your health care team with any questions. Names of contributors have been changed.
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