Thursday, June 26, 2014

Ten Ways to Help the Bereaved

Ten Ways to Help the Bereaved

1.      Be present and attentive to the bereaved person.
2.      Allow for moments of silence and reflection.
3.      Listen in a non-judgmental and accepting way .
4.      Avoid the use of clichés such as 

"Think of all the good times", 
"You can always have another child", 
"I know how you feel", 
"Aren't you over that yet?".
5.      Mention the deceased person's name and encourage the bereaved person to talk about them. Enjoy a coffee or tea with them as they reminisce with you.
6.      Offer practical and emotional support e.g. by minding children or cooking a meal, cutting the grass, doing the groceries / or going with them.
7.      Understand that tears are normal and a healthy part of the grieving process.
8.      Don't try to fill in conversations with a lot of outside news.
9.      Remember that grief may take years to work through.
10.  Acknowledge anniversaries and dates of significance with the bereaved person.

Bill Robson C.A.E., ATM gained his experience in grief as a

  • Grief Counselor
  • Distress Telephone Centre Trainer  
  • Hospice Volunteer
  • Group Facilitator, Bereavement
  • Youth & Family Counseling

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